Big breasts can be a burden, e.g. when it involves back pain or restricts your ability to sport and exercise. However, help is available. A breast reduction can help you get a new body sensation and a better quality of life. At our Munich private clinic, we are specialized in this procedure and will gladly be there for you.

Typical indications for breast reduction

Many women opting or a breast reduction have been considering it for a long time. These women often complain about disproportionately large or asymmetrical breasts, some also have back or neck pain, or eczema on the lower breast wrinkles.

Large breasts can often worsen one’s posture and limit one’s ability to do sports activities. Also, the emotional burden should not be underestimated.

Sports and diets often do not help much in reducing the weight of the breasts. Neither does it improve the shape of breasts which have sagged due to the weight loss. On the contrary: When their volume decrease, breasts often hang even more.

A breast reduction is often medically necessary. It ensures that you can move freely again, feel better with your breasts and avoid health problems.

From woman to woman: The consultation in our Munich private clinic

For us, your desire for a smaller breast is not a taboo subject. Tell us exactly why you are interested in this procedure and what results you want. Our plastic-aesthetic surgeon Dr Hoffmann takes her time to listen to you.

After a first examination you will learn which changes are possible. You will be informed about the different surgical procedures, treatment procedures and risks, thereby giving you a good overview of the procedure and a chance to think it over at home. We usually have several discussions before a decision is made to answer all the questions. The time of operation should be well-considered, so that the optimal conditions for a good healing are given with appropriate time off. Pregnancies also play a role. Your ability to breastfeed will not be omitted, but also not guaranteed.

Consultation, examinations, surgery and aftercare are all held in our premises, where you expect familiar staff and a family atmosphere.


Brustverkleinerung Munich

Dr. Janken Hoffmann is a proven specialist in breast reduction in Munich and has more than 20 years of professional experience.

Which surgical techniques are there?

Every breast is different. Consequently, there are also various surgical techniques to shape them to your liking. All methods have one thing in common: Excess skin and glandular and fat tissue are always removed. This allows your surgeon to reposition the reduced glandular body and refill the breast’s upper pole. The surgeon adjusts the lowered areola complex to the breast’s new size and shape,  and moves it upward. A good wound closure is also important. Delicate seams provide scarcely visible scars.

The most important techniques are the T, L and I methods. They differ mainly in the way the incision is made, to which they owe their respective names.

When making an I-cut from the areola, a vertical cut is placed down, which later leaves a nondescript I-shaped scar. The L method adds another horizontal cut, which is extended to both sides when using the T method.

In all procedures, the actual reduction in mammary gland is made via the vertical scar that runs from the areola margin to the inframmary fold.

The method that works best in your case depends on the individual requirements. Dr. Hoffmann will gladly advise you on this question. For very large or deep breasts, the T-cut gives very good results. Thus, more tissue of the excess glandular body can be reduced especially in the outer part of the breast. The extra cut to the inframmary fold ensures that any excess skin can be removed. The cut usually heals beautifully and is very well hidden in the fold. A matching liposuction in the outer mammary gland part supports a nice “rounding” at the transition to the armpit.

breast reduction in Munich

All facts at a glance:

Duration of operation2-3,5 hours
AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
Hospitalization1-2 days
Presentabilityafter 3-5 days
Work incapacity1-4 weeks, depending on the activity
Sportsafter 4-6 weeks
Sun & solariumafter 6 weeks (with scars covered)
Saunaafter 12 weeks

Further developments of common procedures

The various surgical techniques have evolved significantly in recent years. However, we do not stop here: Despite having more than 20 years of experience, especially in the field of breast surgery, we regularly train at global congresses and training courses.

The ways in which standard procedures develop primarily differ in how they address the blood supply to the tissue. The blood supply, however, always remains untouched. Using the new Hall Findlay method, for example, a particularly stable blood supply is ensured by an internal blood vessel. The entire areola complex can be placed here very elegantly and safely.

Using the “inner bra” method, the tissue is shaped so that it can support the mammary gland. This method brings more fullness in the breast’s upper pole, prevents excessive breast dropping in the course and ensures a minimized scarring.

A breast reduction is always combined with a shaping breast lift. We see the breast as an aesthetic unit and like to combine the surgery for better shaping with a balancing liposuction.

Benelli method for correcting the nipple

A method rarely used if the breast does not hang overly much and if it is rather the location of the areola that needs adjustment. Then an inconspicuous cut around the areola suffices to achieve a slight tightening to gather the skin and to shift the nipple upwards. For the Benelli method, local anesthesia is enough. You are free to go home right after the procedure. This method, however, is only suitable for a small reduction.

How does the procedure in our private clinic work?

Our procedure includes everything: advice, surgery and aftercare, all from a single source. Dr. Hoffmann takes a lot of time to give your breasts a new shape. She only stops the procedure when she is satisfied with the result.

After the surgery, you will stay in a single room, where you will be looked after by a registered nurse. Since the caregiver can concentrate entirely on you, there is plenty of time for a caring all-round service and a personal exchange.

The special support bra that you will wear for six weeks has already been adjusted in advance. Dr Hoffman personally cares for all your follow-up appointments. She is available 24 hours a day for her operated patients.

After the operation, a slight wound pain can occur, which can be treated well with analgesics. The sensitivity of the nipples may also be reduced for a few days or weeks, thereafter it usually returns to normal. The formation of the final result is completed after about six months, the complete fading of the delicate scars can take up to one year.

The post-operation correction rate is very low at our Munich clinic. It is less than 0.1%, as most women are satisfied with the shape of their new breasts. Dr. Hoffmann specializes in thoracic and abdominal surgery and has performed breast reductions for more than 20 years. She goes to international breast conventions several times a year to keep herself up to date with current research.

Do you have any further questions, or would you like a non-binding initial consultation to find out about the possibilities of breast reduction? On our website you can book an appointment online. You are also very welcome to contact us on 089/920 04 920.

Your benefits with med.aesthetic at a glance:

  • Advice from woman to woman
  • Everything included and from from one single source – from initial consultation to aftercare
  • Security through one night of inpatient care
  • 24 hours of telephone availability
  • many years of specialization

We have collected frequently asked questions from our patients to help you get more information about breast reduction.


The prices depend on the scope of the intervention. We are happy to create an individual treatment and cost plan for you.

In some cases, the health insurance for breast reduction comes on, if medical reasons motivate a procedure. Each request is individually checked by the medical service of the respective health insurance.

Diets and exercise often do not help to reduce breasts to the desired cup size. In such cases, only a breast come into question to form the breasts.

As with any surgical procedure, wound healing disorders and rebleeding may occur after a breast reduction. Serious complications such as infections and thrombosis are very rare. In some cases, the ability to breastfeed may be impaired or lost. For surgery conducted by experienced surgeons, scarring or warped nipples are also rare. Dr. Hoffmann has been performing breast reduction for 20 years

The breast reduction reduces the volume of the breast permanently. However, as with the whole body, the tissue is subject to the natural aging process, so the shape of the breast may change in the long run.